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Indian wife with her husband

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Never has the saying ‘he*ll hath no fury like a woman sco*rned’ been more fitting than when a jilted wife in India cho*pped her husband’s pe^n!s. In the video the husband can be seen been taken to the hospital by a couple of men. According to the eye witness, the husband and wife were in the house and the wife cut off her husband’s gen*tiles and wr@*pped them in bed sheet and hid it away. She was acting totally normal but the husband was actually lying unconscious beside a sofa drenched in bl*ood. The men got susp!cious and went inside when they saw the in*cident and were totally petrified. They took them to the hospital instantly.

According to the man the wife was always an*noyed with her husband and did not like him. She also called him $te*rile and impotent and used to h@te him for that. The wife on the other hand said that her husband and she got into a f!*ght. The husband was be@*ting her b@*dly so that is why she cut his g^ent!@ls off to save herself. According to the investigation police say that the wife c*ut the husband’s gen^tiles off because she used to hate him and call him a impotent all the time.

A similar kind of incident took place in China when a wife cut off her husband’s p*en!s twice. It was reported that the husband texted his girlfriend on Facebook from his wife’s phone and forgot to lot out. The wife saw the messages and cut his ge^ntiles off as a pun!*shment. Doctors were able able to attach everything back but the wife went to the hospital and c*ut his gen*t!les again.
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