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4 years old s*xu*@lly h@ra^ssed by 15 years old boy

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According to the police report of area police station Damak it’s been said that the victim’s family had filed a case on a 15 years old boy as the case of bug*gery. According to the victim’s family, last Thursday their neighbour 15 year old Bijay Chapagain gave the victim Rs 5 and some chocolates and did bug*gery. After some hour the victim cam home in an uncomfortable physical state and when they knew about this inhuman activity the cu^lprit’s family is giving pressure and thre*atening the victim’s family by giving money to keep it as a secret.ho gave you the money and she replied brother Bijay gave me the money and put his hand inside my s*xu@l parts (behind). I asked whether he also did it in her v@gin@ and she replied that we should not talk about that thing. The cu^lprit family again gave description to the police that I wanted to close it by taking money but I had been ear filled by someone and that’s why I sued about this issue.” She added that she had already said to her husband and even the cu^lprit’s family that she doesn’t want anything except the right steps to be taken according to law and the rights of her daughter.

“The cu*lprit 15 years old Bijay Chapaigain has been @rre^sted and had been sued for the case of bu*ggery” said by the police head of area police station Damak, D.S.P. Ishwor Karki. He even added that the victim is a child hence the case will be of s*xu@l har@*ssment and the culprit will be charged the same fine and will be extra charged with one year additional stay in the pri*son. The victim is being treated at B.P. Koirala health science hospital at Dharan.
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