There is a new operation currently on going in UP which is being run by the UP police. The name of the operation is ‘Manju’. In the phase of the project the police officers are catching young lovers and pun!$hing them. The officers are visiting common dating spots and are pun!$hing the couples who are seen there together.
The footages of the pun!$hment given by the up police officers to the young couples is going viral on the internet not only that there are also many criticisms against the action of the UP Police. There are many shocking footages in the internet where many young couple are seen br*ut@lly beaten in park by police. The police are not only stalking couples and lovers but are also pun!$hing for the cr!me they have never committed.
The scene looks hil@rious at first sight as the boys and girls are doing ups and downs and becoming cock too. But as the video goes further, it can be seen that the police officers get more aggres$!ve and violent. They starts sl@pping the boys. A female officer is seen be@ting the guys and girls with sticks on their butt0ck$. She is hitting them very h@rdly as the sound can be clearly heard.
Not only that they are asking some personal information to the couples and saying ,many things which are very inappropriate.
The footages of the pun!$hment given by the up police officers to the young couples is going viral on the internet not only that there are also many criticisms against the action of the UP Police. There are many shocking footages in the internet where many young couple are seen br*ut@lly beaten in park by police. The police are not only stalking couples and lovers but are also pun!$hing for the cr!me they have never committed.
The scene looks hil@rious at first sight as the boys and girls are doing ups and downs and becoming cock too. But as the video goes further, it can be seen that the police officers get more aggres$!ve and violent. They starts sl@pping the boys. A female officer is seen be@ting the guys and girls with sticks on their butt0ck$. She is hitting them very h@rdly as the sound can be clearly heard.
Not only that they are asking some personal information to the couples and saying ,many things which are very inappropriate.
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